13th International Conference on Fracture June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China For the group of HIC-stricken samples, whose pole figures and ODFs are shown in Fig. 5, the crystallographic texture is markedly different from those found in the warm-rolled samples. Samples HRA and CRA show a much more isotropic texture, while sample HRB shows a very acute texture, completely dominated by the {001}<110> component. In addition, the strength of the {111}ND and {112}ND fibers in these three samples is much less sharp than in the warm-rolled ones. In sample HRA, for example, the {111}ND fiber seems to dominate the texture. However, when compared with samples WRA and WRB, the sharpness of this texture fiber is significantly less in HRA. Furthermore, the texture phon or true random component of this sample was found to be 35%, which denotes that its texture has a significant random character. Sample WRA Sample WRB Figure 4. EBSD-derived {111} pole figure and ϕ2 = 45 deg. section of the ODF in Euler space for the HIC-free group of samples. Sample HRA Sample CRA Sample HRB Figure 5. EBSD-derived {111} pole figure and ϕ2 = 45 deg. section of the ODF in Euler space for the HIC-stricken group of samples. The results of the metallographic inspection and crystallographic texture analysis where corroborated by the EBSD/OIM studies. The orientation (OIM) maps derived from the EBSD measurements -4-