13th International Conference on Fracture June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China -9- (35) (36) We developed a complex analysis method, in which the approximate conformal mapping (37) Which is used with parameters and determine the approximate dynamic stress intensity factors (38) With , in which V is the fault propagating speed, andc 1the longitudinal wave speed. We use the fracture criterion for fault propagation (39) and . 3.2.1 Earthquake example 1 Interaction between Xingtai fault and Hejian fault The Xingtai fault and Hejian fault with a=55km/s, L≈400km/s, H≈300km and 1966 Ms 7.1 Xingtai earthquake (N37.5°, E115.1°) with the stress drop bar and , km/s. Substituting the earthquake geometry parameters and km/s into (39) can determine the critic stress which can induce the Hejian earthquake is bar。Because bar bar, this means the Xingtai earthquake can induce the Hejian fault to occur earthquake. In fact, the Ms 6.3Hejian earthquake happened on March 2,1967. 3.2.2 Earthquake example 2 Interaction between Tangshan fault and Luanxian fault The Tangshan fault and Luanxian fault with a=111km/s, L≈115km/s, H≈150km and 1976 Ms7.8 Tangshan earthquake (N38.5°, E118.7°) with the stress drop bar, and c1=6km/s, km/s.