13th International Conference on Fracture June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China -5- and ( ) 2 3 s t s b c c f Y t Y b lY c h h H T L h h H ρ ρ ρ π σ σ σ + + = + + (4) To simplify analysis, we introduce the following nondimensional geometric and property variables of the sandwich plate: c c H H L = , 2 t b c h h h H + = , t b h h α= , 1 1 w w L = , ( ) s t s b c c Y s I I h h H ρ ρ ρ σ ρ = + + , lY l Y σ σ σ = and f f s Y T T L ρ σ = . Then, Eqs. (3) and (4) yield the following dimensionless maximum deflection and structural response time of the asymmetric sandwich plate, 1 3 I w β = (5) and 2 3 f T π β = (6) respectively, where 2 2 l h h ρ β σ + = + . Substitution of the equation of normalized longitudinal compressive strength lσ for sinusoidal plate core [15] into Eqs. (5) and (6) yields the following dimensionless maximum deflection and structural response time of the asymmetric sandwich plate with sinusoidal plate core, 1 3 s I w = (7) and 2 3 fs T π = (8) Eqs. (5), (6), (7) and (8) can reduce the solutions for the dynamic response of symmetric sandwich plates under the impulsive loading [15].