13th International Conference on Fracture June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China -3- Mesa (200 × 200 µm) Die on Si wafer Patterns on Si wafer Die A Die B Die C Die D Figure 2. The Silicon wafer patterned with dice Figure 3. The schematic of specimen bonding configuration The anodic bonding of these specimens was performed at the temperature range from 300°C to 375°C and at the voltage range from 150V to 500V for less than 30 minutes on an open (non-vacuum) bonding system. The bonding voltage was applied after the selected bonding temperature was reached. When the bonding was completed, the bonded sample was cooled to room temperature in 2 hours. Before the upcoming tests, all specimens were examined under optical microscope. Some of the glasses were removed to expose the aluminum film for the SEM microanalysis with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and EBSD. The specimens were examined in a Sirion 400NC (FEI Field Emission Gun SEM) with the EBSD system (INCA Energy and Crystal System of Oxford). 2.2. Transmission electron microscopy To prepare TEM test, the bonded samples were cut into small bars with a cross-section of 1.5mm×1.5mm (perpendicular to the interface). These small bars were individually glued into 3mm diameter copper tubes with an inner diameter of 2.2 mm. After the glue was cured on the Nuova II curing stage, these copper tubes were sectioned into slices approximately 750 μm thick, and then ground down to a thickness of about 40 μm and dimpled at the interface. Before argon-ion milling, these foils were attached to molybdenum support rings with an inner diameter of 1 mm. Specimens