13th International Conference on Fracture June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China -10- Al-alloy were extrapolated. We confirmed that a heat-treatment inducing higher ultimate stresses leads to lower crack arrest stress intensity factors. This investigation underlines that despite its simplicity, a normal description of the fretting crack propagation path provides relevant and above all conservative estimations of the maximum Stress Intensity Factor (KImax). In the present work, plain fretting conditions involving very low R ratios (close to -1 or inferior) and a basic mode I description were considered. Besides the effect of the microstructure relate to the multi-crack process is not considered [10]. Future developments will consist in investigating fretting fatigue and fretting on pre-stressed specimen to consider higher R ratio and by implementing a mixed-mode [11] description of the SIF taking into account the coefficient of friction which is operating between the crack edges during the unloading compressive stage. Acknowledgements The authors want to thank the Carnot institute (I@L) for the partial financial support of this research and Constellium CRV company for the furnishing of material specimens. References [1] J.A. Araújo, D. Nowell, Analysis of pad size effects in fretting fatigue using short crack arrest methodology, International Journal of Fatigue, 21 (1999) 947–956. [2] S. Fouvry, K. Kubiak, Development of a fretting–fatigue mapping concept: The effect of material properties and surface treatments, Wear, 267(2009) 2186–2199 [3] S. Heredia, S. Fouvry, Introduction of a new sliding regime criterion to quantify partial, mixed and gross slip fretting regimes: Correlation with wear and cracking processes, Wear, 269, Issues 7-8, (2010) 515-524. [4] J. Delacroix, Etude des Mécanismes de Fissuration en Fatigue et/ou Fretting d'Alliages Al-Cu-Li, PhD, thesis, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, 2011. [5] H. Proudhon, S. Basseville, Finite element analysis of fretting crack propagation, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78 (2011) 685-694. [6] H. Proudhon , S. Fouvry, J-Y Buffiere, “Characterisation of fretting fatigue damage using synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography ”, Tribology International 39 (2006) 1106–1113. [7] J.R. Rice, A path independent integral and the approximate analysis of strain concentration by notches and cracks, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 35, (1968) 379-386. [8] H.F. Bueckner, A novel principle for the computation of stress intensity factors, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 50 (1970) 529-546. [9] S. Fouvry, D. Nowell, K. Kubiak and D.A. Hills, Prediction of fretting crack propagation based on a short crack methodology, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 75, Issue 6, (2008) 1605-1622. [10]J. Delacroix, S. Cazottes, A. Daniélou, S. Fouvry, J.Y. Buffière, Influence of microstructure on the fretting resistance of Al-Cu-Li alloys, ICAA13 13th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys, 2012. [11] M.C. Dubourg, A. Chateauminois Experimental and theoretical investigation of the contact fatigue behaviour of an epoxy polymer under small amplitude sliding micro-motions, European Structural Integrity Society, 32 (2003) 51-62.