13th International Conference on Fracture June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China -7- has increased in the inclination angle ψ from 50° to 130° and decreased from 130° to 150°, when the micro crack 1 and micro crack 2 are completely non-oriented. For original micro crack tips 1 and 2, there aren't any noticeable effects with a change in the micro crack inclination angle ψ. As it was shown in Figs. 6 and 7, the most changes were in original micro crack tips 3 and 4, when the original tips 3 and 4 are close to the other of original micro crack tips, both of modes I and mode II stress intensity factors, Ik and II k are increased. In nearly vertical micro cracks, 11 k plays a more important role than Ik . Fig. 8 shows the wing crack initiation angle of four tips versus the changes of inclination angle ψ. This figure shows that in tips 3, 4, wing crack initiation angle has increased in the inclination angle ψ from 60° to 90° and decreased from 90° to 150°. The maximum of wing crack initiation angle  occurs at ψ= 90°. And also for tips 1 and 2, the changes of ψ are not noticeable due to non-orientation of micro cracks and it is assumed that there is zero interaction. Figure 6. Treatment of mode I SIFs versus the locations of two micro cracks, under uniform tension (parallel to the y axis), for L/b=0.1 and 360+6 nodes for each micro crack