13th International Conference on Fracture June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China -4- The incremental form for a time step from ݐ to ݐ ൅∆ ݐ with the temperature change from T to T+∆T in a corotational framework can be obtained as ∆ ߪ ௜௝ ൌ ߣ ሺܶ ൅∆ܶ , ݐ ൅∆ ܺ,ݐ ሻΔ ߝ ௞௘ ௞ ௟ ߜ ௜௝ ൅2 ߤ ሺܶ ൅∆ܶ , ݐ ൅∆ ܺ,ݐ ሻΔ ߝ ௜ ௘ ௝ ௟ ൅∆ ߝߣ ௞ ௘ ௞ ௟ሺ௧ሻ ߜ ௜௝ ൅2∆ ߝߤ ௜ ௘ ௝ ௟ሺ௧ሻ (8) ∆ ߝ ௜ ௘ ௝ ௟ ൌ∆ε௜௝ െ∆ ߝ ௜ ௧ ௝ ௛ െ∆ ߝ ௜ ௦ ௝ ௪ (9) ∆ ߣ ൌ ߣ ሺܶ ൅∆ܶ , ݐ ൅∆ ܺ,ݐ ሻെ ߣ ሺܶ , ܺ,ݐ ሻ, ∆ ߤ ൌ ߤ ሺܶ ൅∆ܶ , ݐ ൅∆ ܺ,ݐ ሻെ ߤ ሺܶ , ܺ,ݐ ሻ (10) where ∆ ߝ ௜௝ represents the total strain increment and ∆ ߝ ௜ ௘ ௝ ௟ represents the elastic one, ߝ ௜ ௘ ௝ ௟ሺ௧ሻ depicts the elastic strain at time t; ∆ ߝ ௜ ௧ ௝ ௛ and ∆ ߝ ௜ ௦ ௝ ௪ mean the thermal strain increment and swelling one as the following ∆ ߝ ௜ ௧ ௝ ௛ ൌሺlnሺ1൅ ߙ ௖ሺ் ା∆் ሻሺܶ ൅∆ܶ െܶ ଴ሻെlnሺ1൅ ߙ ௖ሺ் ሻሺܶ െܶ ଴ሻሻ ߜ ௜௝ (11) ∆ ߝ ௜ ௦ ௝ ௪ ൌଵ ଷ ߜ ௜௝ሺln(1+SWሺT ൅ ∆T, t ൅ ∆t, X))- ln(1+SWሺT, t,X))) (12) Where ܶ ଴ is the reference temperature which is set as 350K. 2.2. Constitutive relationship of the cladding 2.2.1. Irradiation hardening model for the cladding material The strain-hardening curve of unirradiated Zircaloy is described as [18] σൌK ߝ ௡ ∙ ሺ ఌሶ ଵ଴షయሻ௠ (13) where σ is the true stress(Pa), ε is the true strain, n is the strain-hardening exponent, K is the strength coefficient and m is the strain rate sensitivity exponent. ߝ ሶ is the true strain rate. If 5 10 / s    , set 5 10 / s    . K ൌ 1.17628 ൈ 10ଽ ൅ܶ ሺ4.54859 ൈ 10ହ ൅ܶ ሺെ3.28185 ൈ 10ଷ ൅ 1.72752ܶ ሻሻ (14) n ൌ െ9.49 ൈ 10ି ଶ ൅ܶ ሺ1.165 ൈ 10ି ଷ ൅ܶ ሺെ1.992 ൈ 10ି ଺ ൅9.588ൈ10ି ଵ଴ܶ ሻሻ (15) mൌ0.02 (16) where T is the temperature in Kelvin ranged from 300 K to 730K. Due to the irradiation hardening effect, the strain hardening exponent [18] is described by further multiplying the coefficient given in Eq. (17) ݇ ଶ ൌ 1.369 ൅ 0.032 ൈ 10ି ଶହ ∙ ሺ߶ ∙ ݐ ሻ (17) The strength coefficient under irradiation [18] is given by adding the value given in Eq. (14) to Eq.(18) ݇ ଷ ൌ5.54ൈ10ି ଵ଼ ∙ ሺ߶ ∙ ݐ ሻ (18) The factors in Eqs. (17-18) are both dimensionless, and ߶ ∙ ݐ denotes the fast neutron fluence (n/m2); ߶is the fast neutron flux, which is location-dependent due to the heterogeneous irradiation conditions. 2.2.2. Three-dimensional constitutive relation for the cladding The incremental constitutive relation for the cladding is similar to Eq. (8) as ∆ ߪ ௜௝ ൌ ߣ ሺܶ ൅∆ܶ , ݐ ൅∆ ܺ,ݐ ሻΔ ߝ ௞௘ ௞ ௟ ߜ ௜௝ ൅2 ߤ ሺܶ ൅∆ܶ , ݐ ൅∆ ܺ,ݐ ሻΔ ߝ ௜ ௘ ௝ ௟ ൅∆ ߝߣ ௞ ௘ ௞ ௟ሺ௧ሻ ߜ ௜௝ ൅2∆ ߝߤ ௜ ௘ ௝ ௟ሺ௧ሻ Since the large-deformation thermo-elasto-plastic behaviors are considered, the elastic strain increment can be expressed as: Δ ߝ ௞௘ ௞ ௟ ൌ∆ ߝ ௜௝ െ∆ ߝ ௜ ௧ ௝ ௛ െ∆ ߝ ௜ ௣ ௝ , (19) Where ∆ ߝ ௜ ௣ ௝ can be obtained according to the backward Euler Integration and plastic constitutive