13th International Conference on Fracture June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China -6- To assess the difference between averaging over bands or grains, Figure 5 presents a series of histograms with ratio FIPband/FIPgrain; such ratios are presented in a semi-log scale between 0.1 and 10 only considering FIP values larger than FIPthresh for bands or grains. Furthermore, we classified the histograms with the sections from which they belong (rows 1 to 7) or the range of the FIPgrain (columns, the FIP increases to the right). Figure 3. Distributions of the FIP from each element, band and grain for values larger than FIPthresh from 50 equivalent realizations. Figure 4. FIPband distributions classified by the region they occupy within a grain, computed from 50 realizations. Only values larger than FIPthresh are considered.