ên13th International Conferenceon Fracture June 16–21, 2013,Beijing, China -5- outer face of the wall. A further simplification is the admission that before the heat shock event, the wall is in a steady state temperature distribution, simplification considered conservative. Thus, solving the problem has been that the coating structure in equation (t ≥ 0) is given by: ܷ ሺ ݐ ,ݕ ሻൌାାௗାሾሺି ሻሿሺ௬ାభାమሻ ሺାሻାௗ െ∑ ܨܥ ݁ି ఈఒ మ௧ ቀsin ߣ ሺ ݕ ݈ ଵ ஶୀଵ݈ ଶሻఒ cos ߣ ሺ ݕ ݈ ଵ ݈ ଶሻቁ (10) ܨܥ ൌ 2 ߣ ି ଵ݄ ൣ݄ ଶሺsin ߣ ݀ െ ߣ ݀ cos ߣ ݀ ሻ ߣ ଶ ܭ sin ߣ ݀ ሺ݄ ݀ ܭ ሻ൧ൣ݄ ሺܷ െܷ ሻെγ ܫ ൧ ቀ2 ߣ ܭ ݄ ሺsinଶ ߣ ݀ ሻ൫ ߣ ଶ ܭ ଶ െ݄ ଶ൯sin ߣ ݀ cos ߣ ݀ ߣ ݀ ൫ ߣ ଶ ܭ ଶ ݄ ଶ൯ቁ൫ ܭ ሺ݄ ݄ ሻ݄݀ ݄ ൯ (11) Therefore, we obtain values of temperature in each wall layer in the form of one-dimensional distribution. 5. Adopted numerical model To evaluate the stresses that arise in the three outer layers of the wall(which characterize the structure of the coating)regarding the temperature distribution described by the analytical equation obtained, we choose to model the coating structure with a finite element mesh. Modeling in a coating system of 4.90 m length in each direction, having in mind that Fiorito (1994) suggests that, on a wall, positioning the drive joints should be at least every 4.90 m distance. However, as been done in previous studies of Uchôa (2007) and Saraiva (1998), it is appropriate to focus the analysis in only a small region of that piece of facade. Therefore, a region containing only three ceramic riding up a region equivalent shell around the three ceramics is choosen, as shown in Figure 3 below: Figure 3-Structure model to be analyzed and dimensions.