Cover 1
A case of Elasto-plastic flow using a new special element . J.L. Swedlow, M.E. Karabin, Jr 3
Aspects of Fracture in the Production and Service of Welded Structures - N. F. Eaton, A. G. Glover, J. T. McGrath 11
Cracking and Fracture of Composites - G. A. Cooper, M. R. Piggott 23
Creep Failure by Cavitation Under Non-Steady Conditions - W. Greenwood 48
Development of Fatigue Cracks in Real Structures: Applications to Aircraft Design - J. Nemec, J. Drexler, M. Klesnil 55
Dynamic Crack Propagation and Arrest in Plates, Pipes and Pressure Vessels - G. T. Hahn, M. F. Kanninen 64
Elastic/Plastic Separation Energy Rate for Crack Advance in Finite Growth Steps - A. P. Kfouri and J. R. Rice 68
Elastic-Plastic Crack Tip Characterization in Relation to R-Curves - G. R. Irwin, P. C. Paris 77
Failure Maps Applied to Metal Deformation Processes - J. D. Embury, G. H. LeRoy 82
Fatigue at High Temperature - L. F. Coffin, Jr. 97
Flow Localization and the Fracture Toughness of High Strength Materials - E. Smith, T. S. Cook, C. A. Ran 113
Fracture in High Polymers: a Molecular Interpretation - H. H. Kausch 125
Fracture Research in the Max-Planck-Inst¡tute in Dusseldorf - A. Kocliendorfer 133
Initiation and Growth of Crazes in Glassy Polymers - A. S. Argon, J. G. Hannoosh, M. M. Salama 147
Mechanism of Embrittlement and Brittle Fracture in Liquid Metal Environments" - M. H. Kamdar 161
Micro and Macro Fracture Mechanics Approach to Brittle Fracture and Fatigue Crack Growth - T. Yokobori, S. Konosu, A. T. Yokobori, Jr. 171
Micro-Mechanisms of Fracture and the Fracture Toughness of Engineering Alloys - J. F. Knott 181
Molecular Model of Fracture of Fibrous Polymeric Material - A. Peter 198
Morphology and Fracture of Bone - K. R. Piekarski 206
Progress in the Development of Fracture Mechanism Maps - M. F. Ashby 225
Rapid Fracture in Bearing Steels - L. Averbach 233
Some Aspects of Fatigue Crack Growth in Metals and Alloys - J. Beevers 240
Some Aspects of Noil-Linear Fracture Mechanics - A. J. Carlsson, K. M. Markstrom 252
Some Recent Theoretical and Experimental Developments in Fracture Mechanics - H. Liebowitz, J. Eftis, D. L. Jones 258
Stress Corrosion Crack Propagation - J. C. Scully 273
Tensile Instabilities in Strain-Rate Dependent Materials - S. Tetelman, P. M. Besuner 285
The Application of Risk Analysis to the Brittle Fracture and Fatigue of Steel Structures - S. Tetelman, P. M. Besuner 294
The Design and Failure Analysis of a Cargo Containment System for a Liquid Natural Gas Ship - D. J. Burns, R. J. Pick, T. Brown 305
The Effects of Hydrogen and Impurities on Brittle Fracture in Steel - C. J. McMahon, Jr., C. I.. Briant, S. K. Banerji 315
The Fracture Toughness of Ceramics - A. G. Evans, A. H. Heuer, L. Porter 328
The Impact Testing of Polymers - A Reassessment - J. G. Williams, M. W. Birch 343
The Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure on Fracture - D. Francois 358
The Prediction of Creep Fracture in Engineering Alloys - D. McLean, B. F. Dyson, D. M. R. Taplin 367
Workability in Bulk Forming Processes - A. Kuhn, G. E. Dieter 387
A Comparison of Methods of Correlating Creep Crack Growth - G. A. Webster, K. M. Nikbin, C. E. Turner 397
A Computer Simulation of Fatigue Crack Propagation Based on the Crack Closure Concept - M. Shiratori, T. Miyoshi, H. Miyamoto, T. Mori 402
A Contribution to the Study of the Influence of Environment on Crack Growth Rate of High Strength Aluminum Alloys in Fatigue - C. Gasc, J. Petit, B. Bouchet, J. De Fouquet 407
A Ductile Fracture Criterion for Metals - R. Helms, K. Naseband 411
A Generalized Design Procedure for Estimating Total Fatigue Life in the Low Cycle Range for Notched Components - R. M. Gamble 417
A Micro-Probabilistic Approach to the Ductile Deformation and Fracture of Metals - 1. Preliminary Investigation - R. Sowerby, Y. M. Haddad 422
A Model for Fatigue Crack Initiation in Polycrystalline Solids - J. W. Provan 427
A Model for Fatigue Crack Propagation in Deformable Media with Nonlinear Characteristics - D. D. Cioclov 432
A New Method for Calculation of Notch and Size Effects in Fatigue - K. Heckel, W. Ziebart 437
A Phenomenological Approach to Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Predictio - W. Sperr 440
A Study on Prevention of Creep and Fatigue Fracture of Steels for Turbine Application - I. Ewald, W. Jakobeit, K. Mayer, W. Wiemann 445
Accumulation of Longitudinal Strain Under Cyclic Torsion - Y. Asada, T. Udoguchi, S. Mitsuhashi, M. Izushi 450
An Approach to a Ductility Criterion - H. Huff 454
An Effect of the Combined Micro-Structural Size on the Tensile Fracture Strength of Two Phase Carbon Steel - T. Kunio, H. Suzuki 457
An Evaluation of the Applicability of Theoretical Analysis to the Forming Limit Diagram - V. V. Hasek 463
An Experimental Study on Cyclic Strain Induced Creep: Relationship Between Different Modes of Stress and Strain Superposition - Y. Nozue, T. Udoguchi, Y. Asada, S. Mitsuhashi 468
An Isothermal Embrittlement Study of a Commercial 4% Ni 1% Cr Steel - B. C. Edwards, G. Gage, B. L. Eyre 473
Anisotropic Bend Ductility in Single Phase Copper Alloys - P. Parikh, E. Shapiro 478
Assessment of Flaws in Components of Structures with Regard to Failure on the Basis of a Fracture Hypothesis for Cleavage Fracture - D. Aurich, K. Wobst 482
Atomistic Simulation of the Ductile/Brittle Transition - W. R. Tyson 488
Brittle Fracture Initiation Characteristics Under Bi-Axial Loading - Y. Ueda, K. Ikeda, T. Yao, M. Aoki, T. Yoshie, T. Shirakura 492
Chevron Fracture in Tube Reduction by Spinning - S. Kalpakjian 498
Closure: An Explanation for Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Acceleration/Retardation Due to Overloads in Austenitic Stainless Steels - M. W. Mahoney, N. E. Paton 503
Conditions Leading to Localized Plastic Deformation and Fracture in Slip Bands During Fatigue Loading of Age Hardening Aluminium Alloys - M. Nageswararao, M. Wilhelm 508
Correlation Between Sheet Metal Texture and Drawability 491 for Alpha Brass - E. Shapiro, J. Crane 512
Correlations Between Crack Initiation, Propagation and Microstructure in a Medium Strength Cr-Mo-V Steel - H. Kotilainen, K. Torronen 515
Correlations Between Fracture Toughness, Tensile Properties, Fracture Surface Morphology and Microstructure of a High-Strength Steel - W. Backfisch, K. H. Schwalbe 519
Corrosion Fatigue of Annealed Zircaloy-2 in aqueus solution at 575 K - M. C. Teeter, R. Hosbons 523
Crack Branching in A533B Steel - G. T. Hahn, R. G. Hoagland, A. R. Rosenfield 528
Crack Closure During Fatigue Crack Growth for Two Thicknesses of Material - W. D. Dover, N. F. Boutle 532
Crack Closure Related to Fatigue Crack Propagation - I. Maarse 536
Crack Growth in Pressure Vessels Under Creep Conditions - M. C. Coleman, A. T. Price, J. A. Williams 542
Crack Propagation in Austenitic Sheets - G. Sperl 550
Crack Propagation it High Temperature Under Low Cycle Loading - S. Serensen, M. Makhutov, A. Itomanov 553
Creep Damage and Rupture Criteria - M. W. Schwartz, A. K. Mukherjee 557
Creep Fatigue Interaction in an Austenitic Fe-Ni-Cr Alloy at 600 °C - A. Plumtree, N. G. Persson 560
Creep Fatigue Interactions in a Low Alloy Steel - D. Sidey 565
Crystallographic Fatigue Crack Growth in Al-4% Cu Aged to Contain GP Zones - S. J. Brett, B. Cantor, R. D. Doherty 569
Cyclic Plasticity and Masing Behaviour in Metals and Alloys - H. Abdel-Raouf, T. H. Topper, A. Plumtree 572
Dislocation Diffusion Mechanism of Fatigue Crack Formation - S. Pilecki 577
Dislocation Structures Around Crack Tips in the Early Stage of Fatigue of a-Brass - K. Katagiri, K. Koyanagi, A. Omura, J. Awatani, T. Shiraishi, K. Kaneshiro 581
Ductile Failure Criteria for Blunting Cracks - M. J. Cowling, J. W. Hancock 586
Ductile Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Ferritic S.G. Cast Iron" - G. Jolley, S. R. Holdsworth 589
Ductile Fracture of Ti-5Al-2.5 Sn at Low Temperatures - S. Raghuraman, H. Conrad, A. Sargent 595
Ductility and Fracture in a Superplastic Alloy - T. Langdon, F. A. Mohamed 599
Dynamically Loaded Cracks in Strain Rate Sensitive Materials - H. Riedel 603
Effect of Environment on Fracture - Mechanisms of Liquid Metal Embrittlement, Stress Corrosion Cracking and Corrosion-Fatigue - S. P. Lynch 607
Effect of Grain Size and g' Size on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Rene 95 - J. Bartos, S. D. Antolovich 612
Effect of Initial Flaw Shapes on Cracks Emanating from Fastener Holes Under Combined Stress - Pir M. Toor 618
Effect of Loading Sequence: Normal and Reversed Sequence Effect - A. Buch 623
Effect of Metallurgy on Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Ultra High Strength Steels - M. Tvrdy, V. Sushanek, L. Hyspecka, K. Mazanec 627
Effect of Prior Austenite Grain Size on the Fracture Toughness Properties of A533 Steel - F. Stonesifer, R. W. Armstrong 630
Effect of Stress Level on Fatigue Crack Delay Behavior - B. M. Hillberry, C. M. Crandall 634
Effect of Temperature Variation on High Temperature Fatigue of Mild Steel - S. Shimizu, T. Mochizuki, T. Fujimitsu 638
Effect of Tempering Treatments on the Fracture Behaviour of a Ct-Mo-V Pressure Vessel Steel - K. Torronen, H. Kotilainen 645
Effect of TMT on the Toughness and Fracture Characteristics of Two Fe-Mn-Ni Alloys - A. K. Seal, B. Sarkar, R. K. Ray 649
Effective Grain Size for Cleavage Fracture in Pearlitic Eutectoid Steel - Y. J. Park, I. Bernstein 652
Effects of Loading Frequency and Environment on High Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth in Nickel-Base Alloys - R. B. Scarlin 657
Effects of Nickel and Antimony on Temper Embrittlement in Alloy Steels - J. Q. Clayton, J. F. Knott 662
Effects of Overload on Hydrogen Sulphide Cracking - O. Jonas 668
Effects of Size of Non-Metallic Inclusions on the Ductile Fracture Behavior of Pure Iron - T. Kunio, M. Shimizu, Y. Kobayashi 673
Effects of Strength and Grain Size on Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth in Ultra High Strength Steel - R. O. Ritchie 678
Elastic-Plastic Stress-Strain Behaviour of Monotonic and Cyclic Loaded Notched Plates - T. Seeger, A. Beste, H. Amstutz 682
Elevated Temperature Tensile Minima in Types 310 and 316 Stainless Steel - V. K. Sikka, R. Swindeman, C. R. Brinkman 687
Experimental Fracture Mechanism Map for Thoria Dis­persion Strengthened Nickel - C. Gandhi, D. M. R. Taplin, M. F. Ashby 691
Factors Affecting Cavitation During Superplastic Flow - N. Ridley, D. W. Livesy 696
Failure of Stainless Steels by Corrosion-Fatigue - C. Amzallag, P. Rabbe 701
Fatigue Crack Closure with Negative Stress Ratio Following Single Tensile Overloads in 2024-T3 and 7076-T6 Aluminum - R. I. Stephens, D. P. Musil 705
Fatigue Crack Formation Associated with Cyclic Slip Deformation Along Prior Austenitic Boundaries - T. Kunio, M. Shimizu, K. Yamada, M. Enomoto 710
Fatigue Crack Growth from a Surface Flaw - M. Kawahara, M. Kurihara 715
Fatigue Crack Growth in a High Strength Steel - E. K. Priddle 722
Fatigue Crack Growth Model Prediction With Two Coupled Differential Constitutive Equations - J. Pellas, G. Baudin, M. Robert 727
Fatigue Crack Growth of Steel in Air and Sea Water Under Constant Amplitude and Random Loading - P. J. Haagensen 732
Fatigue Crack Morphology in 304 Stainless Steel Cycled at Constant Stress Amplitude at Elevated Temperature - A. P. L. Turner 735
Fatigue Crack Propagation and Crack Closure Behaviour Under Varying Load Conditions - M. Kikukawa, M. Jono, K. Tanaka, Y. Kondo 739
Fatigue Crack Propagation in Trip Steels - A. Plumtree, V. P. Swaminathan 744
Fatigue Fracture of Thermomechanically Processed Low Carbon Steel - R. L. Duffin, J. G. Byrne 749
A Contribution to the Analysis of Quasi Static Crack Growth in Sheet Materials - U. de Koning 753
A Crack Growth Gage for Assessing Flaw Growth Potential in Structural Components - F. Grandt, R. L. Crane, J. Gallagher 757
A Crack Near Doubly Riveted Stiffeners - D. J. Cartwright, W. Ke Jen 761
A Criterion for Strength of Structural Materials in a Complex Stress State at Low Temperatures - G. S. Pisarenko, A. Lebedyev 767
A Description of the Dependence of Fracture Resistance on Crack length - H. C. van Elst 770
A Finite Element Analysis for Determining Dugdale Model Solutions of Cracked Bodies - C. L. Chow, K. J. Lau 775
A Finite Element Analysis of a Circumferentially Notched Tensile Specimen - D. K. Brown, R. M. McMeeking 780
A Finite-Element Analysis of an Impact Test - J. A. Aberson, J. M. Anderson, W. W. King 784
A Finite Element Method Analysis of an Elastic-Plastic Solid Containing Holes in the Vicinity of a Crack Tip - K. Eriksson 787
A Fractographic Study on Evaluation of Fracture Toughness - K. Hirano, H. Nakamura, J. Kobayashi, H. Nakazawa 790
A Numerical Approach for Stable Crack Growth and Fracture Criteria - G. Rousselier 796
A Path Independent Integral for Symmetric Stress Diffusion Fields Surrounding Line Cracks - E. C. Aifantis, W. W. Gerberich 800
A Simple Analytical Model for the Thickness Dependent Transition from Plane Stress to Plane Strain in Bodies with a Crack - G. Prantl 806
A Study of Conditions Leading to Fragmentation on Failure of Zirconium Alloy Pressure Tubes - B. W. Pickles, E. R. Johnson, H. Cocks 811
A Transient Finite Element Analysis of Unstable Crack Propagation in Some 2-Dimensional Geometries - P. N. R. Keegstra, J. L. Head, C. E. Turner 816
About the Process Zone Surrounding the Crack Tip in Ceramics - E. Buresch 821
An Analytical R-Curve Expression of a Brittle Matrix Composite Containing Discontinuous Fibres - J. C. Lenain 824
An Approximate Three-Dimensional State of Stress in the Vicinity of a Crack - Y. Chen 828
An Empirical Strength Theory for Compact Bone - W. C. Hayes, T. M. Wright 831
An Equivalent Inclusion Method for a Three-Dimensional Lens-Shaped Crack in Anisotropic Media - T. Mura, C. Cheng 835
An Experimental and FEM Study on Crack Opening Displacement - A.- S. Kuo, H. W. Liu 839
Analysis for the Problem of Misfitting Inclusion and Circular Arc Cracks in a Sheet - R. Narayan, R. S. Mishra, R. K. Pandey 845
Analysis of Branched Cracks Under Biaxial Stresses - H. Kitagawa, R. Yuuki 849
Analytical Determination of Stress Intensity Factors of Eccentric Cracks by Variational Method - H. Kitagawa, H. Ishikawa 855
Anisotropic Fracture of a Hot-Stretched Acrylic Thermoplastic- K. Williams 860
Assessment of Failures Beyond the Linear Elastic Regime - I. Milne 865
Blunting Effects on Fracture Toughness of Low Strength Steels - S. Banerjee, R. K. Pandey 870
Bond Fracture Strength in Ceramic-to-Metal Joints - R. Pabst, G. Ellsner 876
Branching of Hertz Cracks - H. P. Kirchner, R. M. Gruver 879
Brittle Fracture and Subcritical Crack Growth in a Ceramic Structure - G. G. Trantina 883
Brittle Fracture Design of Structures - Yu N. Rabotnov, G. S. Vasilchenko, P. F. Koshelev, G. Merinov 887
Brittle Fracture Under Biaxial Normal Stress - M. C. Shaw, R. Komanduri 892
Charting the Fracture Toughness Characteristics of Castings Using the Double Torsion Method - J. T. Berry, C. W. Ten Haagen 897
Crack Nucleation in 316 Stainless Steel Fuel Cladding - D. Lee, R. A. Rand, G. G. Trantina 902
Crack Propagation in a Two-Phase Material such as Concrete - F. W. Wittman, J. W. Zaitsev 907
Crack Propagation Initiation in Ductile Structures - J. Lebey, R. Roche 911
Crack Shape Study in a Brittle Non-bonded Particular Composite - J. D. Embury, D. J. Green, P. S. Nicholson 917
Crack-Tip Stress Analysis from Field Values of the 103 Displacements Using Complementary Energy - L. Swedlow, M. E. Karabin, G. E. Maddus 922
Creep Fracture of Concrete in Prestressed Concrete Members during Manufacture - Yu. V. Zaitsev, E. N. Scerbakov 926
Experimental Fracture Mechanism Map for Thoria Dis­persion Strengthened Nickel - C. Gandhi, D. M. R. Taplin, M. F. Ashby 929
Factors Affecting Cavitation During Superplastic Flow - N. Ridley, D. W. Livesy 934