Cover 1
Study for mechanism of fatigue crack propagation by measuring slip amount at crack tip - H. Masuda, S. Matsuoka, S. Nishijima 3
Superposition models for the growth of fatigue cracks at elevated temperature - M. B. Cortie 8
The accumulated internal energy in the fatigue strength region - J. Kaleta, R. Blotny, H. Harig 13
The dual crack growth modes in the corrosion fatigue of welded tubular joints - J.C.P. Kam, W.D. Dover 18
The effect of different dispersoids on the ductile fracture toughness of an Al-Zn-Mg alloy - A. Uguz, J.W. Martin 24
The effect of intermediate high stress pulses on the high cycle fatigue strength of metals - D.H. Allen, P. Greenfield 29
The effect of pre-cracking variables R and KFmax on fracture toughness - A. A. Steffen, P. F. Packman, M. G. Dawes 35
The effect of slip distribution on the growth of small fatigue cracks in Al-Mg-Si alloys - S. Gungor, L. Edwards 40
The effect of waveform on the fatigue crack propagation behavior of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene - C.M. Rimnac, T.M. Wright, R.W. Klein 45
The effect on fatigue crack growth under spectrum loading of an imposed placard "G" limit - K. Wallar, A. F. Grandt Jr 49
The effects of carbides and cavities on creep crack growth in HK40 steel - S. J. Zhu, J. Zhao, F.G. Wang, Z.B. Cao 54
The high temperature deformation and fracture of a mild steel weldment in heavy section low alloy ferritic steel pipe - M.C. Coleman 59
The influence of material quality on airframe structural durability - P.E. Magnusen, R. J. Bueci, A. J. Hinkle, M. E. Artley, R.L. Rolf 64
The role of water in the mechanical fatigue of glasses - M. Tomozawa 69
Thermal-mechanical fatigue behavior of nickel base superalloy single crystals - E. Fleury, L. Remy 74
Time dependent effects on high temperature low cycle fatigue and fatigue crack propagation of nickel base superalloys - F. Gabrielli, M. Marchionni, G. Onofrio 79
Unusual fracture mode in the fatigue of an Al-Li alloy - GR. Yoder, P.S. Pao, M.A. Imam, L.A. Cooley 87
A general damage criterion for solids - C.C. Hsiao, Y.S. Cheng 92
A method for mechanical state characterization of inelastic composite laminates with damage - R .A. Schapery 98
A singular element for a variable crack length - B. Fedelich, A. Ehrlacher 105
About the penny-shaped Dugdale crack under shear and triaxial loading- W. Becker, D. Gross 110
Advanced analytical methods for interpreting crack run-arrest events in reactor pressure vessel steels - C.R. Bass, C.E. Pugh, DJ. Naus, J. Keeney-Walker 116
An economic finite element strategy for LEFM problems - K. Badari Narayana, T.S. Ramamurthy, B. Dattaguru, K. Vijayakumar 121
An integral equation method based on resultant forces on a piece-wise smooth crack in a finite plate - W.L. Zang, P. Gudmundson 126
Analyses of crack growth in ductile solids - A. Needleman, V. Tvergaard 131
Analysis of J-integral and HRR singularity using experimental and computational hybrid method with image processing - G. Yagawa, N. Soneda, S. Yoshimura 136
Computational fracture mechanics - H. Liebowitz 141
Computer modelling of the evolution of hydraulic fracturing phenomena in hydrocarbon reservoirs - R. Romagnoli, R. Varvelli 159
Continuum modeling of the development of intralaminar cracking in composite laminates - R. Talreja 165
Crack tip parameters for a central crack in an elastic plastic plate under mixed mode and repetitive loading -W.S. Blackburn 170
Damage analysis of materials with microvoids - D. Shanyi, L. Yingjie 176
Damage equations for physically-based creep life - B.F. Dyson, F.A. Leclde 180
Energy analysis of crack-damage interaction - A. Chudnovsky, S. Wu 185
Energy criteria for stable crack growth simulation under biaxial loading using finite element method - R.N. Singh, C. V. Ramakrishnan 190
Experimental study on mixed mode crack propagation - Z. Yishu 195
Finite element method of thin shell J integral evaluation - A. Sedmak, M. Berkovic, J. Jaricm, S. Sedmak 200
Fracture analysis of non-coplanar crack extension under mixed-mode loading by the crack closure integral method - F.-G. Bucholz, H.A . Richard 204
Fracture curve of a thin-walled tube in torsion test - J. Qing 209
Fracture of fibrous metal matrix composites - GJ. Dvorak, Y.A . Bahei-El-Din 215
High-speed frictional heating effect on the stress intensity factors of a near-surface line crack - F.D. Ju, T.Y. Chen 220
Mesh generation by conformal mapping in two-dimensional fracture problems - O. Haber, H. Grebner, A. Hofler 225
Mixed mode cohesive crack propagation - A. Carpinteri, S. Valente, P. Bocca 230
Mixed mode fracture in concrete - A. Hillerborg 238
Mixed modes of the crack propagation under biaxial cyclic load - V.N. Shlyannikov, V.A. Dolgorukov 244
Mode transformation of growing stage I cracks in polycrystals - C. Li, T. Bretheau 249
Numerical calculations for problems of ductile fracture - RM. McMeeking 254
Numerical evaluation of creep experiments - W. Schmitt, R. Kienzler, T. Hollstein 269
On some recent advances in computational methods in the mechanics of fracture - S.N. Atluri, T. Nishioka 274
Plastic damage evolution in low-carbon steels - W.H. Tai 298
Plasticity and thickness effect - L. Anquez 302
Progress in the assessment of complex components - E. Sommer 307
Shear failure of Al-Cu single crystals - C.Q. Chen, H. X. Li, W. Yao 319
Some aspects of fatigue crack growth under mixed mode loading - K.K. Henn, H.A . Richard 323
Stable path of interacting crack systems and micromechanics of damage - Z.P. Bazant, M.R. Tabbara, M.T. Kazemi 328
The damage criterion for ductile fracture and ils applications - W. H. Tai 335
The line spring model for surface cracked shell subjected to antisymmetric loadings - L. Yinchu, T. Guojin 340
The line-spring model analysis of surface crack at weld joint of two tubes - L. Yinchu, L. Xi 345
The stress intensity factors at the tip of a kinked and curved crack - J .B. Leblond, M. Amestoy 350
Torsional vibration of a penny-shaped crack in a transversely isotropic material - Y.M. Tsai 355
Tribo fracture - basic concepts and phenomena - O. Vingsbo 359
Unified damage approach to crack initiation - J. Lemaitre 364
Use of two singular point finite elements in the analysis of kinked cracks - B. X. Dutta, A. Kakodkar, S.X. Maili 367
Various crack concepts for curved fracture in concrete - J .G. Rots 372
Void formation in short-fiber composites - A. Needleman, S.R. Nutt 377
A comparison of multispecimen J-integral methods as applied to toughened polymers - D.D. Huang 382
A study of inter-relationship between metal processing, grain boundary segregation and impact toughness of 17-4 precipitation hardened stainless steel - R.D.X. Misra, C.Y. Prasad, T. V. Balasubramanian, P. Rama Rao 387
Burst pressure prediction of a maraging steel chamber with surface cracks - B. Nageswara Rao, A.R. Acharya, J.DA. Subramanyam, N.R .UK. Kartha 392
Cleavage fracture of steels with fine grained ferrite, coarse grained bainitic and martensitic microstructures - T. Miyata, R.C. Yang, A. Otsuka, T. Haze, S. Aihara 397
Cracks on bimaterial interface-an overview - C. Atkinson 403
Creep rupture of a metal-ceramic particulate composite - T.-J. Chuang, D.F. Carroll, S.M. Wiederhom 408
Critical assessment of microscopic cleavage fracture stress measurement methods by experiments on hot work tool steel - R. Roberti, G.M. La Vecchia, S. Rossi, D. Firrao 415
Damage and fracture of composite materials under cyclic loads - W. W. Stinchcomb 420
Effect of austenitising temperature on creep fracture of a 12 CrMoV steel - S.A. Bashu, K.N. Singh, K.M. Chowdary 429
Effect of geometric constraints on toughness of polycarbonate - K. Sehanobish, D.H. Bank, C.P. Bosnyak 434
Elastic/perfectly-plastic small scale yielding at bi-material interfaces - D. M. Parks, E. Zywicz 439
Fatigue behavior of medium strength Al-Mg alloy 5083 - J .D. Costa, C. M. Branco 444
Fatigue crack growth and closure in a SiC -reinforced aluminum composite - C.P. You, J.E. Allison 449
Fracture analysis of CT specimens of low strength alloy steels - M.T. Ayoub 454
Fracture and toughening mechanisms in polymer alloys - A.F. Yee, RA. Pearson, HJ. Sue 459
Fracture behavior of commercial Al-Li alloys - R.C. Dorward 464
Fracture in monolithic ceramics at high temperatures - R. Raj 470
Fracture of composite in aerospace application - T.C. Fan 479
Fracture of intermetallic matrix composites - N.S. Stoloff, B. Moore 483
Fracture of steel/carbide particulate composites - A.M. Ritter, MR. Jackson, RN. Wright 491
Fracture toughness depending on compounded structure of materials - K. Detert, K. Becker, K.D. Ginsberg 496
Fracture toughness of discontinuous SiC reinforced aluminium alloys - R.D. Gooslby, L.K. Austin 501
Influence of an atmospheric environment on the fatigue crack growth behavior of the 8090 aluminium lithium alloy - C. Gounet Lespinasse, C. Bathias 508
Influence of prestraining and ageing on the fatigue properties of a dual phase sheet steel - H. Fredriksson, A. Melander 513
Intergranular failure in micro-alloyed steels and its relationship to carbon content - B. Mintz, Z. Mohamed 518
J-integral characterization of impact-modified polymers - M.T. Takemori, I. Narisawa 523
Kinetic strength of solids - C.C. Hsiao 526
Local stress relaxation in a Ti-6Al-4V-2Fe/SCS-6 SiC composite during thermal cycling - M. R. Lames, W.L. Morris, BN. Cox 530
Mechanical behavior of non-brittle ceramics: C-SiC and SiC-SiC composites - J. M. Louin, L. Heraud, B. Malassine 535
Microstructural and mechanistical factors affecting creep-fatigue properties of heat-resisting cast steels - T. Yokomaku, M. Saori 540
Microstructural effects governing the fracture behavior of Al-Li-Cu-Mg alloy 8090 - T.S. Srivatsan, TA. Place, T.S. Sudarshan 545
Microstructural studies of ceramics and ceramic composites - M. Ruhle, E. Bischoff 551
Microstructure and particle size effects on fracture in aluminum metal matrix composites - M. Manoharan, C. Liu, J. J . Lewandowski 556
Microstructure and steel rail shelling resistance - H.P. Lieurade, K. Dang Van, N. Ji 561
On the characteristic distance for fracture in Al Si 4140 alloy steel - FA. Darwish. L.C. Pereira, M.L. Graca 566
On the expansion of a crack layer's active zone - A. Chudnovsky, S. Wu, J. Butsis 571
Photoelastic analysis of a crack at bimaterial interface - F.P. Chiang, H. Luand, X.T. Yan 577
Physical meaning of KIc at cleavage fracture - CX. Hou. Q.G. Cai, Y. Su 583
Plane-strain crack-tip fields for power-law hardening pressure-sensitive dilatant materials - F.Z. Li, J. Pan 587
Sources of toughness in polymers - A.S. Argon 592
Statistical failure approach to a heterogeneous material - D. Wei, D. Baptiste, P. Bompard, D. Francois 603
Stress analysis for thin bonded layers - L.M. Keer, Q. Guo 608
Study of fracture toughness of fly-ash filled cross-ply glass fibre reinforced epoxy resin - V.K. Srivastava, A.M. Roodpishi 613
Study on fracture toughness of welded joints for 15MnMoVNRE steel - YL. Wang, BL. Lei, H. Sun 617
Surface stress effects in indentation fracture - D. J. Green, R. Tandon 621
Tempering temperature and blunt notch toughness of Ni-Cr-Mo steels - D. Firrao, R. Roberti, G.M. La Vecchia 628
Tensile and fatigue properties of SiC whiskers or SiC particulate reinforced aluminum composites - C. Masuda, Y. Tanaka 633
The effect of various precracking techniques on the fracture toughness of plastics - M.S. Cayard, W.L. Bradley 637
The fracture toughness of spring steel containing surface cracks - Q. Li, S. Hu 643
The toughening mechanism in a continuous SiC fiber/CVI-SiC matrix composite - K.W. White, R.C. Bradt, A.S. Kobayashi 648
Thermal cycling damage of high temperature metal matrix composites - T. Morimoto, M. Taya 653
Thermal severing: the cutting of brittle materials by thermally induced fracture - J. N. Dekker, M.H. Zonneveld 659
Time dependent and cycle dependent behavior of sintered silicon carbide and alumina ceramics - A.T. Yokobori Jr, T. Adachi, T. Yokobori, H. Abl, J. Nakayama, H. Takahashi 665
Time dependent fracture of polymers - W.G. Knauss 671
Toughening mechanisms in Al2O3-SiCw composites - A. Chakraborty, S.B. Bhaduri, J J. Reddy, R. Mchan Rao, Y.R. Mahajan 688
Toughness distribution considerations in a thin film system - L.D. Brown, H.L. Marcus 692
Transient effects in creep cavity nucleation and early growth in ceramics - R. A. Page, K.S. Chan 697
Transient fracture resistance in the weak toughening limit - R.F. Cook 702
Transition of advanced metallic materials into new weapon systems - J .W. Lincoln. CR. Sajfandl, L. Rudd 707
Warm prestressing effects in notched bars of a MnNiMo steel weld-metal - P.A.S. Reed, J .F. Knott 712
Yielding behavior of ceramic matrix composites - B.S. Majumdar, G.M. Newaz, A.R. Rosenfield 718
3D deformation of tensile cracks in thin ductile sheets: an optical and finite element investigation - H.V. Tippur, F.P. Chiang 724
A miniatured specimen technique for fracture toughness (JIc) measurement - X. Mao, T. Shoji, H. Talcahashi 729
A reassessment of the ASTM method for the evaluation of the JIc toughness - V R. Ranganath, A.N. Kumar, RX. Pandty 734
A stereological analysis of ductile fracture by microvoid coalescence - J.-H. Steele Jr 739
Acoustic emission in fracture of structural materials with non-metallic inclusions - K. Ono, H.B. Teoh 744
Advances in J-integral estimation analysis for circumferentially flawed throughwall pipes in bending - A. Zahoor 749
Characterizing closure asperities by ultrasonic measurements - R.B. Thompson, L. Van Wyk, D.K. Rehbein, Y.-M. Tsai, O. Buck 755
Comb cracking in cemented carbides - R. Krishnamurthy, A.S. Choudhury 761
Crack opening displacement measurement methods for crack arrest experiments - J.H. Giovanola, T. Kobayashi 766
Deducing mechanical properties due to interfaces from their acoustical response - O. Buck, R.B. Thompson, D.K. Rehbein, L. J. H. Brasche, D. D. Palmer 771
Determination of ASME code requirements for BWR hydrotest temperature and PWR LTOP set-points using probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis - R.M. Gamble, T J. Griesbach 776
Dynamic Moire interferometry investigations of elastic wave propagation in ASTM A-710 Izod specimens - J.S. Epstein, V.A. Deason, W.G. Reut 782
Evaluation of fracture concepts by means of micro Moire method and laser interferometry - B. Michel, R. Kuehnert, P. Will, K. Henniger 792
Experimental characterization and geometrical modelling of fatigue fracture profiles - B. Karlsson, J. Wasen 796
Experimental methods for determining dynamic stress intensity factor in opaque materials - A. Shukla, H. Nigam, R. X. Agarwal 801
Experimental study of mixed mode stress intensity factors in rotating disk having the cracks by photoelasticity and caustic method - S. Talcahashi, T. Ezumi 808
Fatigue failure analysis by X-ray fractography - A. Bignonnet., A. Dias, J. L. Lebrun 813
Fractographic analyses of fatigue fracture surfaces of 7050 aluminium alloy - R. Gurbuz, M. Doruk, W. Schutz 817
Fractography study of fibre reinforced epoxy resin composites - VX. Srivastava 822
Fracture mechanics concepts to increase the reliability of high-pressure gas cylinder - E. Czoboly, G. Frigyes, I. Havas, J. Lovas, G. Somogyi, L. Toth 827
Fracture mechanics evaluation of a highly redundant reactor pressure vessel internal structure - T. L. Gerber, A.Y. Kuo, T. J. Griesbach, D.M. Norris 832
Fracture toughness KQ and fractography of S1 type freshwater ice - I .P. Dempsey 838
Influence of the stress state on size and feature of dimples on ductile fracture surfaces - J. Xie, Y.W. Shi 843
Mathematical morphology and quantitative fractography - J L. Cherman, M. Coster 848
NDE of strength related properties of adhesive joints - A.K. Mal, Y. Bar-Cohen 854
Near tip measurement issues in cracked bodies - C.W. Smith 859
Nondestructive evaluation of a turbine generator casing - R. DeNale, EM. Hackert, L.R. Link, R.E. Green 863
Observations on the behavior of surface flaws in the presence of cladding - S. X. Iskander, R.X. Nanstad 868
On measuring the instantaneous stress intensity factor for propagating cracks - J.W. Dally, RJ. Sanford 874
On the applicability of a computerized single specimen technique to evaluate JIc - V K. Saxena. M. Srinivas, G. Malalwndaiah 879
On the way to fracturedom - A.K. Das 884
Optical interference measurements of interfacial crack initiation and propagation - K.M. Liechti, Y.S. Chai 889
Opto-electronic measuring methods in dynamic elastic-plastic fracture mechanics - K. Kussmaul, T. Demler, A. Klenk 894
Quantitative evaluation of microcrack by acoustic emission analysis - T. Kishi, M. Enoki 899
Quantitative study of fracture by acoustic emission from cracks - K.Y. Kim, W. Sachse, P. Hsieh 904
Reference fracture toughness for irradiated reactor pressure vessels - W. L. Server, T. J. Griesbach 911
Relation between striation spacing and fatigue crack growth rate in Al-alloy sheets - I. Nedbal, J . Siegl, J. Kunz 916
Some examples of quantitative fractographic investigations - I.L. Chermanr. L. Chermanr, M. Coster 921
Stereo-photogrammetry as applied to fractography - J.D. Bryant 926
Strength evaluation by ultrasonic methods - J. D. Achenbach 931
Testing of cracking sensitive materials by the method of X-ray fractography - Yu B. Saprykin 943
The constitution of an uncrosslinked polymer in the process of damage accumulation - W.G. Knauss, M. Parvin 946
The current status of modern quantitative fractography - E. E. Underwood 952
Typical failures in high energy piping weldments - J. D. Parker 963
Ultrasonic characterization of dissimilar bonds - P.B. Nagy, L. Adler 968
Ultrasonic evaluation of microcracks in composites - V. Dayal, V. Iyer, V. X. Kinra 973
Ultrasonic measurement of creep damage in pipe - U. Stigh, P. Sotkovszki 979
Ultrasonic measurement of fracture toughness of a nuclear grade steel - A.N. Sinclair, T. Chau 984
Ultrasonic scattering and NDE of surface breaking cracks - K.R. Khair, S.K. Datta 990